- For New Clients first time visit our salon:
To make things smooth and professional at Le Lash!, we have a straightforward online booking policy that helps you book a suitable time for a free consultation and your lash extension appointment:
- Please click “Book Now” and choose the service you like.
- If you are not sure what service to choose, please feel free to text us at 657-204-3635, and we will help you book an appointment.
- If this is your first time getting lashes done and you would like to meet one of our lash experts for consultation, please book a free consultation appointment with Petite Lash Set on our booking system.
- If you don’t find the desired slot on schedule soon, please feel free to text us at 657-204-3635 to get yourself on the waitlist for any openings or cancellations we might have.
- After booking confirmation, you will get an appointment reminder a day before from our auto-booking system or a text message from us.
Thanks for booking online with Le Lash. The prepayment is secured to ensure your appointment time. Please keep your appointment; there is NO CANCELLATION OR RESCHEDULE if the booking is less than two weeks in advance; it is NON REFUNDABLE. On the appointment date, our lash artist will give you a consultation and recommend the best lash service for you. The additional payment will be adjusted based on the service you get.
If you book an appointment via phone or text message with us, a $50 deposit is required to reserve your appointment (via Zelle or Venmo). The deposit will be applied toward your service. Please keep your appointment; NO CANCELLATIONS OR RESCHEDULES if booked within 2 weeks; NON REFUNDABLE.
- For Returning/ Regular Clients visit our salon:
Your next appointments will be booked directly with our lash artist after your first visit, or you can schedule via text message. No deposit is required. However, if for any reason you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment, please notify us 24–48 hours in advance. We will charge $50 for no-shows or late cancellations with less than 24 hours notice.
Please text 657-204-3635 if you have any questions before booking. Thank you, and we look forward to meeting you.
Since we welcome everyone by keeping things simple at Le Lash, our payment system is also flexible. We accept all payment cards (debit and credit), personal checks, cash, gift certificates, Venmo, Paypal, and Zelle.